HTC Vive Announcement February 22, 2016July 15, 2016TehRage We are proud to announce, in partnership with Valve®, the unveiling of the consumer edition of the ViveTM virtual reality system powered by [More...]
OOTP 17 Announced February 21, 2016TehRage OOTP 17 will launch in about a month. If you pre-order before March 1st you will save $5 of the total price. We [More...]
Engadget: The Spectrum could return as a handheld games console February 16, 2016May 24, 2016TehRage More variety in the console market is great. I’m hoping they can get some good titles AND can make playing games cross platform [More...]
PC Gamer: Rocket League patched to ban file-fiddlers February 16, 2016TehRage Death to wasteland – Long live wasteland. It seems that people in the ranked Rocket League world aren’t liking wasteland. PC Gamer goes [More...]
Assault Android Cactus 25% off for Steam Lunar New Year Sale February 6, 2016July 15, 2016TehRage PINEAPPLE! Today, I bought Assualt Android Cactus during the Steam Lunar New Year Sale and I could not be more pleased with the [More...]
Steam Lunar New Year Sale, On Now! February 6, 2016February 6, 2016TehRage From Now through February 12th, shop the Steam Lunar New Year Sale for great deals on thousands of games!* Check back every [More...]
The Making of a Steam Controller February 6, 2016July 15, 2016TehRage As someone who owns one of these, but can’t seem to give up the Xbox 360 controller, this makes me want to try [More...]
Engadget: The new ‘Doom’ drops on May 13th February 4, 2016February 7, 2016TehRage For those looking for the bloody and dark and for me, the “Nope! I’m out!” game follow up mark your calendars for May [More...]
UGE!! February 3, 2016February 6, 2016TehRage Like Donald’s hair, just not fake or a comb over. [More...]
GAMEiVORE Progression: 64: Now Unedited Because Time April 22, 2015May 24, 2016TehRage Direct Download | RSS Feed | iTunes Music:Track Provided by: Used: Contact infomation and feedback:Email – GAMEiVORE@gmail.comAsim0v – Twitter: @sarcasticylonTehRage – [More...]